Every mankind on this earth requires food to survive. Food contains the nutrition that people & animal needs to be healthy as food contains proteins, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, water & minerals. No one can live without food.
• To celebrate World Food Day.
• To Increase bondings between Team members & GBM's.
Project Execution:
The project " Fun Fair Food" was conducted by the "International Service Avenue" on 16th October,2019 at B.k. Birla college from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm.
Steps taken:
• Firstly we had arranged the venue for the project.
• All the GBM's were divided into team. Each team was consisting of 7 members.
• All the GBM's were asked to bring different food & they have to mention the speciality of their food.
• Every member was very keen & curious about this project.
• Total 9 teams were formed.
• From every Avenue one director was selected & was blind folded.
• The most fun & interesting element was that the BOD was selected to taste the food & guess which food they have eaten as they were blind folded.
• The food which they have tasted & answered correctly they would became the coordinator for that team.
• There was the quiz competition also played, the GBM's who answered the quiz questions were eligible for next surprise competition that is Pani Puri competition
• After that both the judges Rtr. Vinay Mahant & Rtr. Shivam Yadav had tasted the foods of all the team & derived the conclusion.
• At last the winner team & 2 runner up teams were declared.
• All the participants in each team were given participation certificates.
• At the end everyone had clicked the pictures & enjoyed the moment.
• The attendance of the project was:
GBM- 47
Team- 30
GCM- 01
Past president-01