Summary:- This project was conducted to improve the linguistic skills and to relive their
memories of their home towns. This is conducted on the special occasion of 'World Heritage
Aim:- To relive the feeling on the moment of pride and happiness about our home towns and
cherish the beautiful memories.
Steps taken:-
1) Discussed the project with president and team.
2) PR message and JPEG with all the details and instructions was shared with the
3) Timing was allotted to them in order to get maximum participation for the online
4) GBM's who actively participated were given summary of the project which would help
them to develop their linguistic skills and relive the feelings of belongingness towards
their hometowns.
5) Participants were requested to send their home town tales with photographs and
tales wording limit is upto 300 words.
6) Best tales will be shared at our Instagram handle @rcbirla.
Project Execution:-
This project was conducted on 18th April, 2020 from 12:30 p.m. It was initiated by our International Service Directors.