Sexual abuse, also referred to as molestation, is abusive sexual behaviour by one person upon another. It is often perpetrated using force or by taking advantage of another.
As sexual abuse is rising in India at an alarming rate, we all need to speak up and to raise a voice. So our Pr and marketing directors of Rotaract Club of Birla College came up with an initiative 'Your voice is evidence'. This project was conducted on Instagram on 1st August 2020 from 7 pm to 7:35 pm.
• In this project, an Instagram meet was conducted.
• Mr.Lokesh Pawar was the speaker of the live session.
• He shared the most critical situations that we can relate to our real life.
• He shared the stories and gave some ideas to overcome from these situations.
• Questions were asked by the participants through a google form.
• Doubts were also asked by the attendees and the speaker answered the questions peacefully.
• The live session lasted for 35 minutes.
The speaker covered all the points to prevent sexual abuse.
Points covered were:-
(1) Learn as much information as you can about physical and sexual abuse.
(2) Listen and talk with your children.
(3) Teach the personal safety boundary rules.
(4) Tell your child about the good touch and bad touch.
(5) Make your home a violence-free zone.
Some people in our society tend to disbelieve and blame the young victims and underplay the horror of sexual molestation. Just help them to get out of this problem.