15th December is very important day for us because this day is celebrated as our Club's Birthday. Our Rotaract Club of Birla College was started on that date.That's why this day is celebrated as Club's charter day. 11 year of journey by our 11president with their whole team were celebrated on this day.
AIM:-The aim of this project is to celebrate for the growth success of our club.
WHAT HAPPENED? • The arrangements and decoration was done at seminar hall.
• Registration was started by 10:00am. and ended by 10:45 a.m.
• Past presidents, mentor, co-mentor and advisor were invited. Speakers thank them for their presence.
• After that past presidents taken interview of other president by asking their vision and aim. • Past presidents shared their experiences with the fellow members.
• Those experiences motivated our members. • Small interaction session was conducted by our past president.
• President of District launched their marathon theme.
• After that cake cutting was done and
refreshments were provided.