To Celebrate Outgoing Ceremony of Rtr. SANJANA NAGOTHI and her team and Incoming Ceremony of Rtr. MAYURESH SHIRVADEKAR and his team.
i) The 14th Installation ceremony, with the theme "CERULEAN BASH," started at the venue at 1:00 PM, and was attended by club Rotaractors, district council members, and the principal guest.
(ii) Collaring of Rtr. Sanajana Nagothi, President for 2021–2022, opened the ceremony.
(iii) The national anthem was performed after collaring.
(iv) Rtr. Kashish Pandey and Rtr. Sejal Tiwari, who served as secretary and joint secretary for the years 2021–2022, respectively, presented a secretarial report that highlighted the successes and initiatives of Avenues.
(v) Following the secretarial report was the financial report, which listed the assets and liabilities as well as the amount being transferred.
(vi) After the reports were given, Rtr. Sanjana Nagothi and team advisory presented the Birla Docket Winners of the year 2021–2022 with awards in recognition of their exceptional performance during their terms in office. For both winners, a special thank-you video was shown that highlighted their great journeys.
(vii) After that, Rtr. Sanjana Nagothi announced the winners of the Club Awards, including the best core and board of directors as well as the best newcomer male and female for the years 2021–2022.
(viii) Letters of appreciation were given to every member of the 2021–22 team. Rtr. As part of his stunning exit as President, a lovely film was screened that highlighted important events in Sanjana Nagothi's journey from a GBM to President.
(x) The incoming team surprises Rtr. Sanjana Nagothi and her entourage (xi) The official handover and introduction of the new president.
(xii) An incredible incoming video featuring all the incredible moments of outgoing president Rtr. Mayuresh Shirvadekar's time in Rotaract served as her introduction.
(xiii) Rtr. Mayuresh Shirvadekar gave a moving acceptance speech before taking office. Rtr. Sanjana Nagothi gave the collar to Rtr. Mayuresh Shirvadekar.
(xiv) After receiving the collar, Rtr. Mayuresh Shirvadekar announced the 2021–2022 year theme, "HELPING ALL THROUGH SERVICE," and clarified its meaning. The year's banner theme was revealed.
(xv) Our President Rtr. Mayuresh Shirvadekar and our Secretary Rtr. Khushi Patil initiated the Core team and Board of Directors.
(xvi) performance of dance
(xvii) Rtr. Srushti Yashwante facilitated our BCM
(xviii) facilitated our ZZR Rtr. Malhar Kulkarni and Rtr. Shashant Singh
(vix) Introduce and assist our guest of honour, Dr. Mrs. Madhu Shukrey.
(xx) Welcome Rtn. Madan Shanklesha FAB, President of the Rotary Club of Kalyan, our guest of honour.
Adil Khan, the District Rotaract Representative for the period 2022–2023, was further introduced by our president.
(xxi). He congratulated the newly inducted squad in front of the audience. In spite of the challenges, he explained how to maintain motivation and attention on our performance throughout the year. He was thanked by MOCs for the inspiration.
(xxii) Podium was open for other club announcement.
(xxiii) After the announcements, Rtr. Tarini Gupta , Vice President for the year 2022-23 gave Vote of thanks.
(xxiv) Further, Rtr. Khushi Patil, Secretary for the year 2022-23gave her first secretariat announcement.
(xxv) Rtr. Soham Karle, Sergeant-at-arms for the year 2022-23 gave her first SAA announcement.
(xxvi) The 14th Installation ceremony 'CERULEAN BASH ' was adjourned by Rtr. Mayuresh Shivadekar.