Cricket is the most famous, popular & favourite game of everyone & especially childrens. This game is liked by the people of almost all age group as it is very interesting & suspicious game.
• This project was conducted aiming to create good & harmonious relationship between the clubs.
Project Execution:
"Rotary Rotaract League" this project was conducted by "Sports Avenue" AND "Partner-In-Service Avenue" of RC Birla, RC Kalyan Central & RC Kalyan West on 15th September, 2019 from 3pm at kine garden ture, near Cinemax Kalyan W.
Steps taken:
• All the participants & audience had reached at venue before half an hour.
• The 4 competitor teams were formed with 11 players in each team. (Inclusive of girls also)
• Before starting the game , a coin was tossed by the captain of the team to decide which team start batting first & other one bowling.
• Every player was playing for a very common aim of getting maximum scores.
• Everyone was playing with a great enthusiasm.
• The most fun & interesting element was that all the ladies & girls had a match of cricket which was greatly appreciating.
• At last the winner team was announced.
• The attendance of the project was:
Rotarians 32
Rcbirla 14
Rckw 17
Rckc 15
Which was forming a part of grand total of 78 people