The aim behind Tutor Den is to provide knowledge about the fundamental abilities required in the corporate world.
Tutor den was conducted under a Professional Development Avenue by Rtr. Neelam Mandal, Professional Development Director of Rotaract club of Birla College. The project was conducted from 20th February, 2022 till 8th March, 2022.
The project was divided into three phases. Each phase comprised of 3 sessions covering topics expected in the corporate world.
The sessions were as follows,
(i) Day 1: Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation
• On 20th February, 2022, the session on 'Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation' was conducted.
• The speaker for the session was Rtr. Dr. Preeti Bhogale, the Deputy Avenues 2 Chair.
• She provided all the basic information related to PPT making through a presentation. Further, the questions of the participants were solved by her.
• After that, PPT making contest was announced in the WhatsApp group wherein participants had to form group of 4 members each and prepare the PPTs on the topic given which was 'Current Affairs'.
• In all, 10 entries were submitted and from that, top 3 best PPTs were announced as the winners.
• Judge for this competition was Rtr. Om Thakur.
(ii) Day 2: Interview
• On 21st February, 2022, the session based on Interview was conducted.
• The Speaker for the session was Rtr. Priyanka Singh, Owner of Eavesstech Computer Education and Assistant professor for BSc MSc students.
• She cleared all the concepts related to interview like, how to crack interview? how to answer the questions? etc. Further, the queries of the members were cleared by her.
(iii) Day 3: CV / Resume and Cover letter.
• On 22nd February, 2022, the session held was on Resume building.
• The speaker for the session was Prof. Navya Premdarsh, Assistant Professor of B.K. Birla college. She has 4 years of teaching experience.
• She covered all the concepts related to Resume and Cover letter. After that, there was a question-and-answer round in which she cleared everyone's doubts.
• Later on, a competition based on CV making was arranged in which participants had to make their CV.
• In all, 12 entries were submitted and from that top 3 best CVs were selected as the winners.
• Judge for this competition was Prof. Navya Premdarsh.
(i) Day 1: Microsoft Excel Application.
• On 27th February, 2022, the session on MS Excel Application was organized.
• The Speaker for the session was Rtn. Mustafa Merchant, member of Rotary Club of Thane Orion and Founder-Director of BE mastermind IT TRAINING.
• He provided all the basic information related to excel and explained how to perform Tally in Excel. Further, all the doubts of the participants were cleared by him.
(ii) Day 2: Group Discussion and Debate.
• On 28th February, 2022, the session was based on Debate and GD was conducted.
• The speaker was Rtr. Sujith Panicker, Entrepreneurship Development Director of RC Ambarnath and he runs a media production house by himself.
• In the session, he gave all the information related to Debate and Group Discussion. He covered concepts like do's and don'ts, rules and regulations, etc., to be followed. After the session, there was a mock debate. Wherein between 2 groups a debate round was held.
(iii) Day 3: Competition on Group Discussion.
• The competition was conducted offline wherein we got in total 18 participants.
• The judge for the competition was Rtr. Shivam Yadav, Past President of RC Birla and Rtr. Sujith Panicker, ED director of RC Ambarnath.
• 2 groups consisting of 9 members each were formed. The first round was conducted and from that, best 4 Speakers from each group were selected for the 2nd round.
• Round 2 was conducted and best 2 speakers were announced as winner and runner-up.
• Winners were felicitated with the certificates on the spot and all the participants were given E-certificate.
(i) Day 1: Microsoft Word Application.
• On 6th March, 2022, the session on MS Word Application was conducted.
• The Speaker for the session was Rtn. Mustafa Merchant, member of Rotary Club of Thane Orion and Founder-Director of BE mastermind IT TRAINING.
• He gave information related to MS Word and specifically demonstrated the steps of Resume making in MS Word. Further, all the doubts of the participants were cleared by him.
(ii) Day 2: Convincing Skill
• On 7th March, 2022, the session based on Convincing skill was organized.
• The Speaker for the session was Rtr. Rakshita Manglani, Editorial Director of Rotaract Club of Guwahati East, RID 3240 and founder of RaksArt Business.
• She described everyone about the Convincing skills, it's use in the corporate world, ways to convince people, the steps which has to be followed and how it can be developed.
• An activity round was arranged by her, wherein the participants had to advertise any product and had to convince everyone to purchase that particular product. Participants actively participated in this round.
• A question-and-answer round was conducted and doubt of the participants were cleared.
(iii) Day 3: Competition on Debate.
• The competition was conducted in offline mode.
• The judges for the competition were Rtr. Shashant Singh, Immediate Past President of RCBirla and Joint PIS Director of RID3142 and Rtr. Vishakha Rajput, Governing Council Member and Professional Development Director of RCBirla for the year 20-21.
• There was total 16 participants for round 1 divided into group of 4 each.
• The participants were explained about the rules and on the spot debate topics were given to them. Two rounds were held, and from that both the winning teams were selected for the final debate round.
• Final round was conducted and the winning team participants were rewarded with the certificate. Best Speaker certificate was given to the participant leading the team to victory.
In the evening, winners for PPT Making and CV Making were announced in the meet.
Vote of thanks was done by the Vice President. Sec announcement was given by the Secretary. The project was officially adjourned by the President.